- 相關詞
- 同反義
1. the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis
- regularity
- , evenness
- , uniformity
- , equilibrium
- , consistency
- , congruity
- , conformity
- , agreement
- , correspondence
- , orderliness
- , equality
2. correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing
- balance
- , proportions
- , regularity
- , evenness of form
- , harmony
- , harmoniousness
- , consonance
- , concord
- , coordination
「1. the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis」的反義字
「2. correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing」的反義字
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋsɪmɪtrɪ]
- DJ[ˋsimitri]
- 對稱(性)[U] The need to incorporate a staircase prevented perfect symmetry. 因為需要加進一個樓梯,就不可能完全對稱了。