Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. take apart

    • ph.
      拆開; 仔細檢查, 仔細分析;嚴厲抨擊; 把...駁得體無完膚
    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 拆開; 仔細檢查, 仔細分析 He took the lawn mower apart, but failed to locate the trouble. 他把除草機拆開, 但找不出毛病在哪裡。 They took apart every detail of the alibi. 他們對被告聲稱當時不在犯罪現場的証據逐一仔細檢查。
    • 2. 嚴厲抨擊; 把...駁得體無完膚 His first novel had rave notices; his second was taken apart. 他的第一部小說得到熱烈贊揚, 但第二部卻受到尖銳批評。 Her second novel was taken apart by the critics. 她的第二部小說受到評論家的嚴厲批評。
    • 3. (拳擊運動)把...打得一敗塗地 Becker took Connors apart in the third set 貝克爾在第三盤輕而易舉戰勝了康納斯(網球賽)。 We were simply taken apart by the opposition. 對方很容易就把我們打敗了。


    拆開; 仔細檢查, 仔細分析


    「拆開; 仔細檢查, 仔細分析」的反義字