Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. take sth. in

    • ph.
      將某物吸入或作入(體內); 攝取;將(衣服)改瘦
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    • 1. 將某物吸入或作入(體內); 攝取 Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 魚通過鰓攝取氧氣。
    • 2. 將(衣服)改瘦 This dress needs to be taken in at the waist. 這件連衣裙的腰身需要改瘦。
    • 3. (為賺錢)承攬(在家中做的工作) She supplements her pension by taking in washing. 她在家裡替人洗衣服以貼補養老金之不足。
    • 4. 包括; 包含; 包羅 The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 聯合王國包括英格蘭、威爾士、蘇格蘭、北愛爾蘭。 The tour took in six European capitals. 那次觀光包括歐洲六個國家的首都。
    • 5. 順便看(電影)或參觀 I generally try to take in a show when I'm in New York on business. 我到紐約公幹時常順便看場演出。
    • 6. 注視或觀察某事物 He took in every detail of her appearance. 他端詳了她一番。 He took in the scene at a glance. 他看了一眼那裡的景色。
    • 7. 理解或吸收(聽到或閱讀的)某事(博物館等) I hope you're taking in what I'm saying. 我希望你能聽得進去我說的話。 Half-way through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in. 這一章我看到一半才意識到我根本沒看懂。
    • ph.
      以某事為樂(尤指殘忍的事或壞事) He takes great delight in proving others wrong. 他的極大樂趣是證實別人錯了。
    • ph.
      以某物抵充 The shopkeeper couldn't find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigars. 店主沒有足夠的零錢找給我, 他就多給了我一些雪茄菸作抵充。
    • ph.
      以某物抵充 The shopkeeper couldn't find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigars. 店主沒有足夠的零錢找給我,他就多給了我一些雪茄菸作抵充。
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    • ph.
      對某事物往好處想; 不計較; 不介意 He took the teasing in good part. 他認為逗弄他並無惡意。
    • ph.
      參與或介入某事物; 對某事物有一定責任 I bet he took a hand in it. 我敢說他一定參與了此事。
    • ph.
      不特別費力地認同並處理某事物 Some people find retiring difficult, but he has taken it all in his stride. 有的人覺得很難適應退休後的生活, 但他卻能安之若素。
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