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  1. PyDict

    It is said that ...

    • ph.
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      就是; 即 He's a local government administrator, that is to say a Civil Servant. 他是地方行政官員, 也就是說是文官。 You should finish the report in two days, that is to say, you should hand in your paper on Friday. 你必需兩天內完成報告, 也就是說, 你必需在星期五交你的文章。
    • ph.
      那就是說 Three weeks from today, that is to say, the 1st of May, you have to turn in the paper. 從今天起三星期後,即五月一日,你必須把報告交上來。
    • ph.
      那就是說 Three weeks from today, that is to say, the 1st of May, you have to turn in the paper. 從今天起三星期後,即五月一日,你必須把報告交上來。
    • ph.


    • ph.


    • ph.
      只要說...就夠了 I won't go into all the depressing details; suffice it to say that the whole affair was an utter disaster. 我不必細說那些讓人聽了難受的事, 只說一句就夠了, 整件事是個慘禍。 Suffice it that without leisure there is no liberty. 無閒暇何來自由--說這一句話就夠了。
    • ph.
      我同意你的意見 She's a violent woman. You can say that again. She's hit me more than once. “她是個悍婦。” “你說得太對了。她打我可不止一次了。”
    • ph.
      只要說……就夠了 Suffice it to say that without leisure there is no liberty. 無閒暇何來自由--說這一句話就夠了。