Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. one of the

    • ph.
    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. ...的其中之一 If you like swimming, you can join one of the activities. 如果你喜歡游泳, 你可以參加活動中的一個。
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      剩餘的一個 Mary has two cars. One is red; the other (one) is blue. 瑪麗有兩部汽車。一部是紅色的; 剩餘的一部是藍色的。
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      關於的笑話 Do you know/Have you heard the one about the bald policeman? 你知道(聽說過)那個禿頭警察的笑話嗎?
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      【舊】護鬼; 惡護
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      經常與之為伍的人; 伙伴 You may know a man by the company he keeps. 觀其友則知其人。
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      從一方面來看, 在一方面 On the one hand, they are too poor to get married now; on the other hand, they love each other so much that they would be a good couple. 從一方面來說, 他們太窮現在不可以結婚, 從另一方面來說他們彼此深愛對方, 將會是一對好夫妻。 On the one hand, I need to work all night to finish the job; on the other hand, I am so exhausted that I really need a rest. 一方面, 我必須整晚工作把事情做完, 另一方面, 我疲累的實在需要休息。
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      同一人或事物; 完全一樣 It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same (person). 原來她姑姑就是我表姐。 One and the same idea occurred to each of them. 他們都產生同樣的想法。
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      【口】令人失望的事; 慘敗; 挫折 If she gets the job, that's one in the eye for Peter: he was desperate to get it. 假使她獲得這份工作, 那對彼得是當頭一棒; 他是拼命想得到這份工作的。
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