bore on through the waves
- 破浪前進
- 相關詞
- 煽動仇恨情緒
- 揮手
- 在最成功(或最得意)的時候 After its election victory, the party was on the crest of a wave. 該黨在選舉獲勝後如日中天。 The company ended the year on the crest of a wave although it had started badly. 這家公司成功地結束了這一年, 雖然開頭情形很糟。
- 成功地 The company ended the year on the crest of the wave although it had started badly. 這家公司成功地結束了這一年,雖然開頭情況很糟。
- 成功地 The company ended the year on the crest of a wave although it had started badly. 這家公司成功地結束了這一年,雖然開頭情況很糟。
- 成功地 The company ended the year on the crest of the wave although it had started badly. 這家公司成功地結束了這一年,雖然開頭情況很糟。
- 成功地 The company ended the year on the crest of a wave although it had started badly. 這家公司成功地結束了這一年,雖然開頭情況很糟。
- 在最走運的時候