- IPA[ˈtʌɪdi]
- arranged neatly and in order;inclined to keep things or one's appearance neat and in order
- an act or spell of tidying something;a receptacle for holding small objects or waste scraps
- bring order to (something); arrange neatly
noun: tidy, plural noun: tidies
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. arranged neatly and in order his scrupulously tidy apartment the lives they lead don't fit into tidy patterns 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ inclined to keep things or one's appearance neat and in order she was a tidy little girl 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ neat and controlled he wrote down her replies in a small, tidy hand
- 2. informal (of an amount, especially of money) considerable the book will bring in a tidy sum 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ used as a general term of approval City have the backbone of a tidy side
- 1. British an act or spell of tidying something she's coming to give his house its Saturday morning tidy
- 2. a receptacle for holding small objects or waste scraps a cable tidy
- 3. US a detachable ornamental cover for a chair back.
- 1. bring order to (something); arrange neatly the boys have finally tidied their bedroom she paused briefly to tidy her hair 同義詞
- put something away for the sake of neatness
Oxford American Dictionary
- put something away for the sake of neatness
Oxford Dictionary
- arrange something in a neat and ordered way
Oxford Dictionary
- a container kept on a desk and used to store stationery and other small items: complete your office with the addition of useful extras like a desk tidy and a noticeboard
Oxford Dictionary
- arrange something in a neat and ordered way
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈtīdē]
- arranged neatly and in order: his scrupulously tidy apartment the lives they lead don't fit into tidy patterns
- a receptacle for holding small objects or waste scraps: a cable tidy
- bring order to (something); arrange neatly: the boys have finally tidied their bedroom
Oxford American Dictionary