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    too much

    • ph.
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      對某事物肯定或否定過激而失實; 過猶不及
    • ph.
      對(某人)期望過高 I can't finish this job by Friday -- you expect too much of me. “我星期五以前幹不完這項工作--你對我期望過高了。”
    • ph.
      非...力所能及 The job is too much for you. 這工作你勝任不了。
    • ph.
      非……力所能及 The job is too much for you. 這工作你勝任不了。
    • ph.


    • ph.
      (要求自己)在技巧(或力量等)方面超過他人; 非某人力所能及 The Cambridge team were too much for the Oxford team in the quiz. 在智力競賽中, 劍橋隊遠勝牛津隊。 A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me. 像我這種身體, 騎自行車度假力不從心。
    • ph.
      (指活動)太費勁, 太累人 I don't want to go for a walk on such a hot day -- it's too much like hard work for me. 我不想在這樣的大熱天裡去散步--我簡直吃不消。
    • ph.
      喝醉;酒喝多了 His gait is a bit rickety because he has had a drop too much. 他喝多了,所以腳步有點搖搖晃晃的。
    • ph.
      喝醉;酒喝多了 His gait is a bit rickety because he has had a drop too much. 他喝多了,所以腳步有點搖搖晃晃的。
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