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  1. truss

    • IPA[trəs]


    • n.
      a framework, typically consisting of rafters, posts, and struts, supporting a roof, bridge, or other structure;a large projection of stone or timber, typically one supporting a cornice.
    • v.
      tie up the wings and legs of (a chicken or other bird) before cooking;tie up (someone) with their arms at their sides
    • verb: truss, 3rd person present: trusses, gerund or present participle: trussing, past tense: trussed, past participle: trussed

    • noun: truss, plural noun: trusses

    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. a framework, typically consisting of rafters, posts, and struts, supporting a roof, bridge, or other structure roof trusses 同義詞 support, buttress, joist, brace, prop, ... 更多
    • a large projection of stone or timber, typically one supporting a cornice.
    • 2. a surgical appliance worn to support a hernia, typically a padded belt. 同義詞 surgical appliance, support, pad
    • 3. British historical a bundle of old hay (56 lb), new hay (60 lb), or straw (36 lb).
    • 4. a compact cluster of flowers or fruit growing on one stalk.
    • 5. a heavy metal ring securing a lower yard to its mast.


    • 1. tie up the wings and legs of (a chicken or other bird) before cooking Alfred had already trussed and stuffed the geese
    • tie up (someone) with their arms at their sides I found him trussed up in his closet
    • dress (someone) in elaborate or uncomfortable clothing he was trussed up in a heavily padded suit, complete with face mask and protective gloves
    • 2. support (a roof, bridge, or other structure) with a truss or trusses when they trussed the roof many things were overlooked.
    • adj.
      (of a roof, bridge, or other structure) supported with a truss or trusses: the trussed roof of the 15th-century Church of San Francesco a trussed ceiling

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      (of a roof, bridge, or other structure) supported with a truss or trusses: the trussed roof of the 15th-century Church of San Francesco a trussed ceiling

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[trʌs]


    • n.
      a framework, typically consisting of rafters, posts, and struts, supporting a roof, bridge, or ... roof trusses
    • v.
      tie up the wings and legs of (a chicken or other bird) before cooking: Alfred had already trussed and stuffed the geese

    Oxford Dictionary