- IPA[ˈtʌmbl]
- fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong;move or rush in a headlong or uncontrolled way
- a sudden or headlong fall;a rapid fall in amount or value
verb: tumble, 3rd person present: tumbles, gerund or present participle: tumbling, past tense: tumbled, past participle: tumbled
noun: tumble, plural noun: tumbles
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong she pitched forward, tumbling down the remaining stairs 同義詞
- ▪ move or rush in a headlong or uncontrolled way a group of kids tumbled from the vehicle and headed inside 同義詞
- ▪ fall rapidly in amount or value property prices tumbled 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ rumple; disarrange he slept fitfully for the third night in a row, tumbling the covers about him as he tried to get comfortable 同義詞
- 2. perform acrobatic feats, typically handsprings and somersaults in the air.
- ▪ (of a breed of pigeon) repeatedly turn over backwards in flight.
- 3. dry (washing) in a tumble dryer the machine gentle tumbles the clothes in cool air for ten minutes
- 4. informal understand the meaning or hidden implication of (a situation) she'll ring again as soon as she tumbles to what she's done 同義詞
- 5. informal have sex with he was tumbling a strange woman
- 6. clean (castings, gemstones, etc.) in a tumbling barrel.
- 1. a sudden or headlong fall I took a tumble in the nettles 同義詞
- ▪ a rapid fall in amount or value a tumble in share prices 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ an untidy or confused arrangement or state her hair was a tumble of untamed curls 同義詞
- 2. a handspring, somersault in the air, or other acrobatic feat.
- 3. informal an act or instance of having sex.
- 4. US informal a friendly sign of recognition, acknowledgement, or interest not a soul gave him a tumble
- having fallen or collapsed: the tumbled bricks of the city's fallen walls acres of tumbled buildings gradually disappearing under weeds
Oxford Dictionary
- having fallen or collapsed: the tumbled bricks of the city's fallen walls acres of tumbled buildings gradually disappearing under weeds
Oxford American Dictionary
- a machine that dries washed clothes by spinning them in hot air inside a rotating drum.
Oxford Dictionary
- dry (washed clothes) by spinning them in hot air inside a dryer.
Oxford Dictionary
- dry (washed clothes) by spinning them in hot air inside a dryer.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a situation without rules or organization; a free-for-all: the rough and tumble of political life the rough-and-tumble atmosphere of the dealing room
Oxford American Dictionary
- a situation without rules or organization; a free-for-all: the rough and tumble of political life the rough-and-tumble atmosphere of the dealing room
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈtəmb(ə)l]
- (typically of a person) fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong: she pitched forward, tumbling down the remaining stairs
- a sudden or headlong fall: I took a tumble in the nettles
Oxford American Dictionary