- KK[twɪst]
- DJ[twist]
- 扭轉;扭彎;旋轉,絞;捻,搓;捻成,搓成
- 轉身;旋轉;彎曲;纏繞,盤繞
- 扭;絞;搓;纏;編;捻成(或搓成,編成)的東西
過去式:twisted 過去分詞:twisted 現在分詞:twisting
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 扭轉;扭彎;旋轉,絞 Twist the knob clockwise. 按順時針方向轉動旋鈕。
- 2. 捻,搓;捻成,搓成 He twisted a rope out of threads. 他用線搓了一根繩子。
- 3. 纏,盤繞;編,織[O] She twisted flowers into a wreath. 她將花編成了一個花環。
- 4. 扭傷;扭歪 He fell and twisted his ankle. 他摔了一跤,扭傷了腳踝。
- 5. 歪曲,曲解 She often twists my words. 她時常歪曲我的話。
- 6. 使密切相關
- 7. 曲折地行(路) He twisted his way through the crowd. 他在人群中曲折穿行。
- 1. 轉身;旋轉;彎曲 The leaves twisted and turned in the wind. 樹葉被風吹得直打轉。 He twisted in his chair to see what was happening behind him. 他在座位上轉過身去看他身後發生了什麼事。
- 2. 纏繞,盤繞 A piece of string has twisted round the propeller. 一根繩子纏在螺旋槳上了。
- 3. 捻合,搓攏
- 4. 扭傷;扭歪 The child's ankle twisted. 那孩子的足踝扭傷了。
- 5. 扭動;跳扭扭舞 The boy twisted uneasily in his chair. 那男孩在椅子裡侷促不安地扭動著。
- 6. 曲折地前進 The snake twisted across the grass. 蛇蠕動著爬過草地。
- 1. 扭;絞;搓;纏;編 The big boy gave his arm a twist. 那個大男孩扭了一下他的胳膊。
- 2. 捻成(或搓成,編成)的東西 He lit his pipe with a twist of paper. 他用紙煤點燃了菸斗。
- 3. 轉彎;彎曲處 The mountain road is full of twists. 那山路頗多曲折。
- 4. 扭傷;扭歪 He suffered a painful twist of the elbow. 他肘部扭傷,疼痛難忍。
- 5. 歪曲;曲解 She gave the facts a twist. 她歪曲了事實。
- 6. 怪癖;偏執
- 7. 意外轉折 The story has a strange twist in chapter 15. 故事情節在第十五章有了出乎意料的轉折。
- 8. 竅門,花樣
- 9. 扭擺舞[the S]