Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. cut the ground from under sb.'s feet

    • ph.
    • 釋義


    • 1. 先發制人地挫敗某人的計劃 Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best palyer on the team. 保羅想當隊長, 但我們先發制人, 說亨利才是最好的隊員。
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    • ph.
      先發制人地挫敗某人的計畫 Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best palyer on the team. 保羅想當隊長,但我們先發制人,說亨利才是最好的隊員。
    • ph.
      先發制人地挫敗某人的計畫 Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best palyer on the team. 保羅想當隊長,但我們先發制人,說亨利才是最好的隊員。