1. a lie or false statement (often used euphemistically)
- lie
- , falsehood
- , fib
- , fabrication
- , deception
- , made-up story
- , trumped-up story
- , invention
- , fiction
- , piece of fiction
- , falsification
- , falsity
- , cock and bull story
- , barefaced lie
- , (little) white lie
- , half-truth
- , exaggeration
- , prevarication
- , departure from the truth
- , yarn
- , story
- , red herring
- , rumour
- , fable
- , myth
- , flight of fancy
- , figment of the imagination
- , pretence
- , pretext
- , sham
- , ruse
- , wile
- , stratagem
- , misinformation
- , disinformation
- , trickery
- , perjury
- , dissimulation
- , gossip
- , propaganda
- , tall story
- , tall tale
- , fairy story
- , fairy tale
- , whopper
- , porky
- , pork pie
- , porky pie
- , terminological inexactitude
- , economy with the truth
- , bullshit
- , bulldust
- , falseness
- , untruthfulness
- , fallaciousness
- , fictitiousness
- , inaccuracy
- , hollowness
- , mendacity
- , dishonesty
- , deceit
- , deceitfulness
- , duplicity
- , disingenuousness
- , hypocrisy
- , fraud
- , fraudulence
- , kidology
- , unveracity