Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. up against


    • ph.
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    • 1. 面臨……的 We are now up against difficulties. 我們現在正面臨困難。
    • ph.
      走過時擦到 The whale sometimes rubs himself up against small boats. 鯨有時會擦著小船的船身游過。
    • ph.
      與某物密切接觸; 接近於 The ladder is leaning up against the wall. 那個梯子靠著牆呢。
    • ph.
      較量; 與...相比 The products of the small factory can stack up against the same products of other large factories. 這家小廠的產品比得過其他大廠的同類產品。 How does their product stack up against the competition of other firms? 他們的產品同其他公司的相比怎麼樣?
    • ph.
      遭遇(困難, 反對, 等等) The workers came up against their employer's unwillingness to pay higher wages. 這些工人的僱主不情願付出更高的工資。 We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the scheme. 我們預計這個計劃要遭到很多人反對。
    • ph.
      撞及; 偶遇 I ran up against a glass door and hurt my head. 我撞上了玻璃門, 把頭撞傷了。 The firm ran up against strong competition. 這家公司遇到了強有力的競爭。
    • ph.
      把身子蜷成一團; 蜷縮 Tom was cold so he huddled up against the radiator. 湯姆感到冷, 所以他挨著散熱器把身子縮成一團。
    • vt.
    • vt.
      面對; 遭遇
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    • ph.
      面臨……的 We are now up against difficulties. 我們現在正面臨困難。