Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. upsetting

    • IPA[əpˈsediNG]


    • adj.
      causing unhappiness, disappointment, or worry
    • n.
      the action of knocking something over;the shortening and thickening of the end or edge of a metal bar, wheel rim, or other object, especially by hammering or pressure when heated
    • noun: upsetting

    • 釋義


    • 1. causing unhappiness, disappointment, or worry a painful and upsetting divorce


    • 1. the action of knocking something over destruction was done by the breaking of pictures, upsetting of furniture, and chopping down of interior doors
    • 2. the shortening and thickening of the end or edge of a metal bar, wheel rim, or other object, especially by hammering or pressure when heated if your stock is thicker, upsetting will not be necessary