- IPA[ˈvɛntɪleɪt]
- cause air to enter and circulate freely in (a room, building, etc.);(of air) purify or freshen (something) by blowing on or through it
verb: ventilate, 3rd person present: ventilates, gerund or present participle: ventilating, past tense: ventilated, past participle: ventilated
- 釋義
- 1. cause air to enter and circulate freely in (a room, building, etc.) ventilate the greenhouse well gas heaters should only ever be used in well-ventilated rooms 同義詞
- ▪ (of air) purify or freshen (something) by blowing on or through it a colossus ventilated by the dawn breeze
- 2. use a machine or device to support or replace the breathing of (a person who is ill, injured, or anaesthetized); subject to artificial respiration the patient was sedated and ventilated
- ▪ archaic oxygenate (the blood).
- 3. discuss or examine (an opinion, issue, or complaint) in public he used the club to ventilate an ongoing complaint 同義詞
- 4. informal kill (someone) by shooting I pull out a gun and ventilate her dinner companion
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈven(t)əˌlāt]
- cause air to enter and circulate freely in (a room, building, etc.): ventilate the greenhouse well gas heaters should only ever be used in well-ventilated rooms
Oxford American Dictionary