- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. 票; 獲得某人的支持 to cast one's or a vote 投票 to count the votes 計票
- 2. 投票 to have or take a vote (on sth.) (對某事物)進行表決 the issue was put to the vote 這一問題被付諸表決
- 3. 投票總數; 得票總數 the female/student vote 女性/學生的投票總數 the Labour/Conservative vote 工黨/保守黨的得票總數
- 4. 投票結果 the vote was unanimous 全體表決一致 the motion was passed by a majority vote 這項動議以多數票獲得通過
- 1. 投票支持 to vote Labour 投工黨的票 to vote ‘yes’ 投贊成票
- 2. 認為 the picnic was voted a success 大家認為野餐很成功
- 3. 投票同意 to vote oneself a pay rise 投票同意給自己漲工資
- 4. 建議 I vote we all go 我建議我們大家都去
- 5. 同意 we all vote that you should organize the trip 我們一致同意應該由你來組織這次旅行
- 1. 投票 he’s only 17 and not eligible to vote 他才17歲,還沒有選舉資格 how are you voting? 你打算投誰的票?
1. a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands
- ballot
- , poll
- , election
- , referendum
- , plebiscite
- , public vote
- , general election
- , local election
- , popular vote
- , straw poll
- , show of hands
- , voting
- , polling
2. the right to register a choice in an election
3. give or register a vote
4. used to express a wish to follow a particular course of action
「1. the right to register a choice in an election」的反義字
- 投票 the second round of voting 第二輪投票 voting patterns/habits 投票模式/習慣
- 選舉;投票
- vote的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- vote的名詞複數
- 選出 He was voted in by a handsome majority. 他以可觀的多數當選。 labor was voted in for a second term of office. 工黨再次當選執政。
- 投票擊敗; 否決某事物
- 投票否決 Everyone expected the councilman to be voted out at the next election. 每一個人都希望這位政會議員在下次選舉中落選。 I wonder how he got voted out of office. 我不知道他是怎樣被投票罷免的。
- 投票選…任職 he was voted in as treasurer 他當選為司庫
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- 更多解釋
- KK[vot]
- DJ[vəut]
- 選舉,投票,表決[C][(+on/about)] The matter will be decided by vote. 此事將投票表決。
- 投票;表決;選舉[(+for/against/on)][+to-v] As we are not unanimous for this matter, let's vote on it. 因為我們在這件事上無法取得同意,我們表決吧。 Vote for the man you can trust. 選你能信賴的人。
- 投票決定;投票同意;選舉[O][O1] They voted her their headmistress. 他們選她做校長。