Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. wet behind the ears

    • ph.
      未經世故的; 不老練的
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    • 1. 未經世故的; 不老練的 Lin is still wet behind the ears. 小林還未經世故。 The new secretary has recently arrived in the job, and she is still wet behind the ears. 新的秘書剛到任不久, 還不夠老練。


    未經世故的; 不老練的

    • ph.
      【口】【貶】無經驗的; 幼稚的; 乳臭未乾的
    • ph.
      初出茅廬; 少不更事; 乳臭未乾 She was too wet behind the ears to bear such responsibility. 她乳臭未乾, 不能負擔這樣的責任。
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    • ph.
      乳臭未乾;青澀;少不更事 What's the point in taking up issues with him? He is still wet behind the ears. 你跟他爭吵有什麼意義?他根本還是乳臭未乾。
    • ph.
      乳臭未乾;青澀;少不更事 What's the point in taking up issues with him? He is still wet behind the ears. 你跟他爭吵有什麼意義?他根本還是乳臭未乾。
    • ph.
