Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. work up

    • ph.
      逐步建立, 逐步發展;激發; 使激動
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    • 1. 逐步建立, 逐步發展 They have worked up the factory from almost nothing. 他們幾乎白手起家逐步建立起那個工廠。 They worked up a market for their products. 他們為自己的產品逐步開闊市場。
    • 2. 激發; 使激動 The thunderstorm began to work up. 雷雨開始加劇。 The politician worked the crowd up until they shouted together. 那政客鼓動群眾的情緒, 使他們一起喊叫。
    • n.
    • ph.
      逐步發展或改進某事物 work up a business 逐步發展生意
    • ph.
      激動的;生氣的 She gets worked up when her husband stays out too late. 當她丈夫在外逗留太晚時,她就變得激動。
    • ph.
      激動的;生氣的 She gets worked up when her husband stays out too late. 當她丈夫在外逗留太晚時,她就變得激動。
    • ph.
      發展到(頂峰等) The music worked up to a rousing finale. 該樂曲達到激動人心的高潮而結束。
    • ph.
      獲提升; 晉級 He has worked his way up from junior clerk to managing director. 他已從初級職員升到總經理。
    • 1
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    • vi.
      逐步發展到 to work up to sth. 逐漸講到 to work up to a climax 逐步進入高潮
    • vt.
      激起; 逐步增強 to work up a sweat 弄出一身汗 to work up the courage to confront sb. 鼓起勇氣去面對某人


    • ph.
      激發;使激動 The politician worked the crowd up until they shouted together. 那政客鼓動群眾的情緒,使他們一起喊叫。


    • ph.
      激發;使激動 The politician worked the crowd up until they shouted together. 那政客鼓動群眾的情緒,使他們一起喊叫。