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  1. wounding

    • IPA[ˈwo͞ondiNG]


    • adj.
      causing physical injury;causing harm to a person's feelings or reputation
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    • 1. causing physical injury crossbows and deadly wounding darts
    • causing harm to a person's feelings or reputation a wounding description of their mother most wounding to her was the loss of her independence
    • n.
      the crime of deliberately inflicting serious physical injury on someone: she was arrested and charged with malicious wounding

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the crime of deliberately inflicting serious physical injury on someone: she was arrested and charged with malicious wounding

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈwuːndɪŋ]


    • adj.
      causing physical injury: crossbows and deadly wounding darts

    Oxford Dictionary