- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 悲慘的 to feel wretched (about sth.) (為某事物)感到難過
- 2. 極差的; 破舊的; 惡劣的; 少得可憐的 wretched existence/poverty/misery 艱難的生活/極端貧窮/極其悲慘 it was wretched of him to do that 他那麼做很糟糕
- 3. 該死的; 煩人的
1. (of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state
- miserable
- , unhappy
- , sad
- , broken-hearted
- , heartbroken
- , grief-stricken
- , grieving
- , sorrowful
- , sorrowing
- , mourning
- , anguished
- , distressed
- , desolate
- , devastated
- , despairing
- , inconsolable
- , disconsolate
- , downcast
- , down
- , downhearted
- , dejected
- , crestfallen
- , cheerless
- , depressed
- , melancholy
- , morose
- , gloomy
- , glum
- , mournful
- , doleful
- , dismal
- , forlorn
- , woeful
- , woebegone
- , abject
- , low-spirited
- , long-faced
- , blue
- , down in the mouth
- , down in the dumps
- , choked
- , cut up
- , gutted
- , dolorous
- , chap-fallen
- , unfortunate
- , unlucky
- , luckless
- , down on one's luck
- , ill-starred
- , star-crossed
- , damned
- , blighted
- , hapless
- , poor
- , pitiable
- , downtrodden
- , oppressed
- , powerless
- , helpless
2. of poor quality; very bad
- harsh
- , hard
- , grim
- , stark
- , difficult
- , poor
- , poverty-stricken
- , run down
- , down at heel
- , impoverished
- , pitiful
- , piteous
- , pathetic
- , tragic
- , miserable
- , bleak
- , cheerless
- , hopeless
- , sorry
- , sordid
- , shabby
- , seedy
- , dilapidated
- , shoddy
- , godforsaken
- , scummy
- , crummy
- , grotty
- , terrible
- , awful
- , dire
- , dreadful
- , atrocious
- , unspeakable
- , dismal
- , bad
- , lamentable
- , deplorable
- , unsatisfactory
- , substandard
- , low-quality
- , inferior
- , yucky
- , God-awful
- , beastly
- , pants
- , a load of pants
3. used to express anger or annoyance
- despicable
- , contemptible
- , beyond contempt
- , reprehensible
- , base
- , low
- , vile
- , mean
- , scurvy
- , abominable
- , loathsome
- , hateful
- , detestable
- , odious
- , disreputable
- , depraved
- , debased
- , infamous
- , villainous
- , ignoble
- , shameful
- , shabby
- , worthless
- , dirty
- , filthy
- , dirty rotten
- , rotten
- , low-down
- , no-good
- , lousy
- , beastly
- , damn
- , damned
- , blasted
- , blessed
- , flaming
- , precious
- , confounded
- , flipping
- , blinking
- , blooming
- , blimming
- , bloody
- , bleeding
- , effing
- , naffing
- , chuffing
- , goddam
- , plurry
- , bally
- , ruddy
- , deuced
- , fucking
- , frigging
- , sodding
- , fecking
「1. (of a person) in a very unhappy or unfortunate state」的反義字
「2. of poor quality; very bad」的反義字
「3. used to express anger or annoyance」的反義字
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋrɛtʃɪd]
- DJ[ˋretʃid]
- 不幸的,可憐的 They are living in wretched poverty. 他們過著可憐的貧苦生活。