- IPA[flɒp]
- 笨重地行動; 沉重地落下;猛然坐下; 沉重地躺下
- 撲騰; 撲通聲;搞砸
- 撲通一聲;徹底失敗地
過去式:flopped 過去分詞:flopped 現在分詞:flopping
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 笨重地行動; 沉重地落下 to flop about or around 撲騰 the fish was flopping around, gasping 魚撲騰著,張著嘴喘著氣
- 2. 猛然坐下; 沉重地躺下 to flop down into a chair/on to the bed 一屁股坐在椅子上/一下子倒在床上 I'm ready to flop 我快累倒了
- 3. 耷拉 his head suddenly flopped and he went to sleep 他頭突然一垂睡著了 to flop about or around 擺來擺去
- 4. 搞砸
- 5. 睡覺
- 1. 撲騰; 撲通聲 to sit down with a flop 撲通一聲坐下 the flop of fish in a pail 魚在桶裡撲騰
- 2. 搞砸
- 1. 撲通一聲 the ball fell flop into the pond 球咚的一聲落進池子
- 2. 徹底失敗地 the whole project just went flop when the director left 負責人離開後整個項目便告吹了
1. fall, move, or hang in a loose and ungainly way
- hang (down)
- , drop
- , hang loosely/limply
- , dangle
- , droop
- , sag
- , flap
- , loll
2. sit or lie down heavily and suddenly, especially when very tired
3. (of a performer or show) be completely unsuccessful; fail totally
- be unsuccessful
- , fail
- , not work
- , fall flat
- , founder
- , misfire
- , backfire
- , be a disappointment
- , do badly
- , lose money
- , be a disaster
- , meet with disaster
- , come to grief
- , miss the mark
- , run aground
- , bomb
- , bellyflop
- , fold
- , flatline
- , go to the wall
- , come a cropper
- , go down like a lead balloon
- , bite the dust
- , blow up in someone's face
- , tank
「1. (of a performer or show) be completely unsuccessful; fail totally」的反義字
- = floating octal point 八進位制浮點
- flop的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
- flop的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- = floating-point operations per second 高速電腦每秒浮點運作
- flop的名詞複數
- 浮點運算次數每秒
- 人字拖鞋
- 來180度大轉彎 the government is flip-flopping a lot on this point 政府在這一點上老是出爾反爾
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[flɑp]
- DJ[flɔp]
- 拍動;搖晃[Q] The fish were flopping about in the bottom of the boat. 那些魚在船底撲騰著。
- 撲通放下;使撲通落下
- 拍擊聲;撲通掉落(的聲音)[S] He fell with a flop into the water. 他撲通一聲掉進水裡。
- 撲通一聲地
- 砰然落下,拍擊聲,失敗笨重的摔,猛落笨拙地拋下噗通