- IPA[ˈvɒlətaɪl]
- 易揮發的;變化無常的; 不穩定的
- 相關詞
- 同反義
1. (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures
2. liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse
- tense
- , strained
- , fraught
- , uneasy
- , uncomfortable
- , charged
- , explosive
- , eruptive
- , inflammatory
- , turbulent
- , in turmoil
- , full of upheavals
- , hairy
- , nail-biting
- , white-knuckle
- , dodgy
3. (of a person) liable to display rapid changes of emotion
- unpredictable
- , changeable
- , variable
- , inconstant
- , inconsistent
- , uncertain
- , erratic
- , irregular
- , unstable
- , turbulent
- , unsteady
- , unsettled
- , unreliable
- , undependable
- , changing
- , ever-changing
- , varying
- , shifting
- , fluctuating
- , fluid
- , mutable
- , protean
- , fitful
- , wavering
- , full of ups and downs
- , mercurial
- , capricious
- , whimsical
- , fickle
- , flighty
- , giddy
- , impulsive
- , wayward
- , temperamental
- , highly strung
- , excitable
- , emotional
- , overemotional
- , fiery
- , moody
- , choleric
- , stormy
- , tempestuous
- , volcanic
- , blowing hot and cold
- , labile
- , fluctuant
- , changeful
「1. liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse」的反義字
「2. (of a person) liable to display rapid changes of emotion」的反義字
- 不揮發的
- 揮發鹽
- 揮發鹽;嗅鹽(碳酸銨的俗稱)
- 揮發鹽;嗅鹽(碳酸銨的俗稱)
- 提神藥
- 揮發性有機物質(容易揮發的有機化學物質) Volatile organic compounds are normally the largest source of pollution in the environment. 揮發性有機物質通常是環境中最大的污染來源。
- 揮發性有機物質(容易揮發的有機化學物質) Volatile organic compounds are normally the largest source of pollution in the environment. 揮發性有機物質通常是環境中最大的污染來源。
- 更多解釋