- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 事件; 東西 the wedding was a grand affair 這場婚禮盛大隆重 the dress/cake was an extraordinary affair 這件連衣裙/這塊蛋糕很特別
- 2. 事情 state of affairs 形勢 it's a sad state of affairs 情況令人傷心
- 3. 戀愛; 風流韻事 a passionate affair 熱戀
- 4. 個人的事 it's my affair 這是我自己的事
- 1. 公共事務 affairs of state 國務 Egypt's (internal) affairs 埃及的(內部)事務
- 2. 私人事務 to put one's affairs in order 安排好自己的事務 financial affairs 財務
1. an event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to
- event
- , incident
- , happening
- , occurrence
- , phenomenon
- , eventuality
- , episode
- , interlude
- , circumstance
- , set of circumstances
- , adventure
- , experience
- , case
- , matter
- , business
- , thing
- , proceedings
2. a matter that is a particular person's concern or responsibility
- business
- , concern
- , matter
- , responsibility
- , province
- , preserve
- , interest
- , problem
- , worry
- , lookout
- , pigeon
- , funeral
- , headache
- , baby
- , bailiwick
3. business and financial dealings
- transactions
- , concerns
- , matters
- , activities
- , dealings
- , undertakings
- , ventures
- , proceedings
- , business
- , field
- , sphere
- , goings-on
- , doings
4. a love affair
- affair的名詞複數
- 風流韻事; 熱愛
- 米尼克事件(駭客米尼克入侵電腦網路系統的事件) In the Mitnick affair a hacker infiltrated into many departments' networks, which threatened the security of the country. 在米尼克事件中,一個駭客潛入許多部門的電腦網路,這對國家的安全構成了威脅。
- 戀愛關係;男女情事,風流事
- 米尼克事件(駭客米尼克入侵電腦網路系統的事件) In the Mitnick affair a hacker infiltrated into many departments' networks, which threatened the security of the country. 在米尼克事件中,一個駭客潛入許多部門的電腦網路,這對國家的安全構成了威脅。
- 戀愛關係;男女情事,風流事
- 戀愛
- 伊朗門事件
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[əˋfɛr]
- DJ[əˋfɛə]
- 事情,事,事件 How are your affairs going? 你的情況怎麼樣? The wedding was a quiet affair. 婚禮是悄悄地進行的。