1. the point in time or space at which something begins
- dawn
- , birth
- , inception
- , conception
- , origination
- , genesis
- , emergence
- , rise
- , start
- , starting point
- , very beginning
- , launch
- , onset
- , outset
- , unfolding
- , development
- , developing
- , debut
- , day one
- , kick-off
- , commencement
- , opening
- , first part
- , preface
- , introduction
- , foreword
- , preamble
- , opening statement
- , opening remarks
- , prelude
- , prologue
- , exordium
- , proem
- , prolegomenon
2. the background or origins of a person or organization
- origin
- , source
- , starting point
- , basis
- , birthplace
- , cradle
- , spring
- , mainspring
- , embryo
- , germ
- , genesis
- , creation
- , infancy
- , roots
- , seeds
- , early stages
- , fons et origo
- , fountainhead
- , fount
- , well spring
「1. the point in time or space at which something begins」的反義字