- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. 呼吸 to breathe hard/heavily 喘粗氣 the singer marks on the score where she is going to breathe 歌手把要換氣的地方標在樂譜上
- 2. 呼氣 to breathe on/into sth. 對某物呼氣 to breathe down sb.'s neck 緊緊跟在某人後面
- 3. 通氣透香
- 1. 吸入 to breathe one's last (breath) 辭世
- 2. 呼出; 噴出 to breathe sth. into sth. 把某物吹入某物 to breathe air into a balloon 吹氣球
- 3. 低聲說 to breathe sth. to sb. 輕輕地對某人說某事 don't breathe a word of this to anybody 不要對任何人透露這件事
- 4. 流露 the team was breathing confidence 球隊信心十足
- 5. 激發 to breathe sth. into sb./sth. 使某人/某事物產生 to breathe hope into sb. 激起某人的希望
- 6. 專注於 he lives and breathes football 他狂迷足球
1. take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process
2. be alive; remain living
- be alive
- , be living
- , live
- , have life
- , continue in existence
- , be in the land of the living
- , be alive and kicking
3. (of wind) blow softly
4. say something with quiet intensity
5. (of an animal or plant) respire or exchange gases
6. give an impression of (something)
- 呼吸
- 呼吸
- 無聲的;有氣的
- 無聲的,有氣的
- 呼吸,瞬間,微風呼吸的,逼真的
- (在一度緊張、恐懼或努力之後)恢復平靜或安下心來, 鬆口氣 Now my debts are paid I can breathe again. 現在我已還清欠債, 可以鬆口氣了。
- 吸氣
- 吸入
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- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
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- 更多解釋
- KK[brið]
- DJ[bri:ð]
- 呼吸;呼氣;吸氣 The animal was still breathing, so we knew it was still alive. 那頭動物仍在呼吸,所以我們知道它還活著。
- 呼吸;呼出;吸入[(+in/out)] All mammals breathe air. 哺乳類動物全都呼吸空氣。
- 呼吸,生存,低語呼吸,使疲乏,發散,低聲說