- IPA[klōzd]
- not open;(of a business) having ceased trading, especially for a short period
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- 1. not open rooms with closed doors lined the hallway he sat with his eyes closed
- ▪ (of a business) having ceased trading, especially for a short period he put the “Closed” sign up on the door
- ▪ (of a society or system) not communicating with or influenced by others; independent.
- ▪ limited to certain people; not open or available to all the UN Security Council met in closed session
- ▪ unwilling to accept new ideas you're facing the situation with a closed mind
- ▪ (of a set) having the property that the result of a specified operation on any element of the set is itself a member of the set.
- ▪ (of a set) containing all its limit points.
- ▪ of or pertaining to a curve whose ends are joined.
- only a short distance away or apart in space or time: the hotel is close to the sea her birthday and mine were close together
- very near to someone or something; with very little space between: they stood close to the door he was holding her close
- a residential street without through access: she lives at 12 Goodwood Close
Oxford Dictionary
- move so as to cover an opening: she jumped on to the train just as the doors were closing she closed the door quietly
- the end of an event or of a period of time or activity: the afternoon drew to a close the seminar was brought to a close with a discussion of future trends
Oxford Dictionary
- move or cause to move so as to cover an opening: she jumped into the train just as the doors were closing they had to close the window because of the insects
- the end of an event or of a period of time or activity: the afternoon drew to a close
Oxford American Dictionary
- a short distance away or apart in space or time: the hotel is close to the sea her birthday and her wedding date were close together
- in a position so as to be very near to someone or something; with very little space between: they stood close to the door he was holding her close
Oxford American Dictionary
- the last part of a performance, collection, or series: the perfect closer to the album the last episode was still a great closer
Oxford American Dictionary
- the last part of a performance, collection, or series: the perfect closer to the album the last episode was still a great closer
Oxford Dictionary
- a place of work where all employees must belong to an agreed trade union.
Oxford Dictionary
- having a predetermined and fixed extent: a closed-end contract
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[kləʊzd]
- not open: rooms with closed doors lined the hallway he sat with his eyes closed
Oxford Dictionary