- IPA[kənˈvenʃənl]
- 符合習俗的; 墨守成規的;傳統的
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 符合習俗的; 墨守成規的 to be conventional in sth. 在某方面守舊
- 2. 傳統的
- 3. 常規的 conventional warfare/weapons 常規戰爭/武器
1. based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed
- normal
- , standard
- , regular
- , ordinary
- , usual
- , traditional
- , typical
- , common
- , common or garden
- , garden variety
- , run-of-the-mill
- , prosaic
- , pedestrian
- , commonplace
- , unimaginative
- , uninspired
- , uninspiring
- , unadventurous
- , unremarkable
- , unexceptional
- , unoriginal
- , derivative
- , formulaic
- , predictable
- , stock
- , hackneyed
- , clichéd
- , stereotypical
- , stereotyped
- , trite
- , platitudinous
- , old hat
- , plain vanilla
- , bog-standard
- , hacky
- , formalistic
2. (of a work of art or literature) following traditional forms and genres
- orthodox
- , traditional
- , established
- , accepted
- , received
- , mainstream
- , prevailing
- , prevalent
- , accustomed
- , customary
- , conservative
- , traditionalist
- , conformist
- , bourgeois
- , old-fashioned
- , of the old school
- , formal
- , correct
- , proper
- , decorous
- , staid
- , small-town
- , suburban
- , parochial
- , narrow-minded
- , bien pensant
- , comme il faut
- , Biedermeier
- , straight
- , square
- , strait-laced
- , stodgy
- , stuffy
- , stick-in-the-mud
- , fuddy-duddy
「1. based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed」的反義字
「2. (of a work of art or literature) following traditional forms and genres」的反義字
- 普通烤爐,常規烤箱
- 普通烤爐,常規烤箱
- 常規高速鐵路
- 常規高速鐵路
- 更多解釋
- KK[kənˋvɛnʃən!]
- DJ[kənˋvenʃənl]
- 習慣的,慣例的 Good morning is a conventional greeting. 早安是習用的招呼語。