- IPA[ɡɒn]
- ▶go
- 過去的;懷孕的
- 剛過
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. ▶go
- 1. 過去的 the days that are gone 過去的日子 gone are the days when ..., the days are gone when ... …的日子一去不復返了
- 2. 懷孕的 to be 6 months gone 懷孕6個月
- 3. 消失的; 不復存在 to be gone 不在 my briefcase is gone! 我的公文包不見了!
- 4. 用光的 the wine's all gone 葡萄酒喝光了
- 5. 去世的 after I am gone 我走之後 to be long gone 去世很久了
- 6. 著迷的 to be gone on sb./sth. 迷戀某人/某物 she's really gone on him 她確實迷戀上了他
- 1. 剛過 it's just gone seven o'clock 剛過七點鐘 he was just gone 70 他剛過70歲
1. no longer present; departed
- away
- , absent
- , off
- , out
- , not present
- , non-attending
- , truant
- , missing
- , lacking
- , unavailable
- , in absentia
- , AWOL
- , past
- , gone by
- , over
- , over and done with
- , no more
- , done
- , dead and buried
- , finished
- , completed
- , ended
- , forgotten
- , extinct
2. no longer in existence; dead or extinct
- dead
- , deceased
- , expired
- , departed
- , no more
- , passed on
- , passed away
- , late
- , lost
- , lamented
- , perished
- , fallen
- , slain
- , slaughtered
- , killed
- , murdered
- , lifeless
- , having breathed one's last
- , defunct
- , extinct
- , (as) dead as a doornail
- , six feet under
- , pushing up daisies
- , under the sod
- , with God
- , asleep
- , at peace
- , demised
- , exanimate
3. no longer available; consumed or used up
4. beyond help; in a hopeless state
- past
- , gone by
- , over
- , over and done with
- , no more
- , done
- , dead and buried
- , finished
- , completed
- , ended
- , forgotten
- , extinct
「1. no longer present; departed」的反義字
「2. no longer in existence; dead or extinct」的反義字
「3. beyond help; in a hopeless state」的反義字