Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. lick

    • IPA[lik]


    • v.
      pass the tongue over (something) in order to taste, moisten, or clean it;(of a flame, wave, or breeze) move lightly and quickly like a tongue
    • n.
      an act of licking something with the tongue;a quick movement of flame, water, etc.
    • verb: lick, 3rd person present: licks, gerund or present participle: licking, past tense: licked, past participle: licked

    • noun: lick, plural noun: licks

    • 釋義
    • 片語



    • 1. an act of licking something with the tongue Sammy gave his fingers a long lick
    • a quick movement of flame, water, etc. a tiny lick of flame flickered around the mouth of the flamethrower
    • 2. informal a light coating or quick application of something, especially paint all she'd need to do to the kitchen was give it a lick of paint 同義詞 dab, bit, drop, dash, spot, ... 更多反義詞 lashings
    • US an extremely small amount of something abstract there's not a lick of suspense in the entire plot
    • 3. informal a short phrase or solo in jazz or popular music cool guitar licks
    • 4. informal a smart blow his mother gave him several licks for daring to blaspheme
    • punishment, criticism, or heavy defeat you rejoice when you win and take your licks when you lose