1. the great size or extent of something
- immensity
- , vastness
- , hugeness
- , enormity
- , enormousness
- , expanse
- , size
- , extent
- , greatness
- , largeness
- , bigness
2. great importance
- importance
- , import
- , significance
- , weight
- , moment
- , consequence
- , mark
- , notability
- , note
- , greatness
- , distinction
- , eminence
- , fame
- , renown
- , intensity
- , power
3. size
- size
- , extent
- , measure
- , proportions
- , dimensions
- , breadth
- , volume
- , weight
- , quantity
- , mass
- , bulk
- , amplitude
- , capacity
- , strength
- , degree
- , gauge
- , measurement
- , extension
4. a numerical quantity or value
5. the degree of brightness of a star, as represented by a number on a logarithmic scale
「1. the great size or extent of something」的反義字
「2. great importance」的反義字