- IPA[ˈmɪzrəbl]
- 痛苦的;不幸的; 悲慘的; 糟糕的; 陰沉的
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 痛苦的 to feel miserable 感到很痛苦 to make sb.'s life miserable 使某人生活痛苦
- 2. 不幸的; 悲慘的; 糟糕的; 陰沉的
- 3. 少得可憐的; 差得可憐的
1. (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable
- unhappy
- , sad
- , sorrowful
- , dejected
- , depressed
- , downcast
- , downhearted
- , down
- , despondent
- , despairing
- , disconsolate
- , out of sorts
- , desolate
- , bowed down
- , wretched
- , glum
- , gloomy
- , dismal
- , blue
- , melancholy
- , melancholic
- , low-spirited
- , mournful
- , woeful
- , woebegone
- , doleful
- , forlorn
- , crestfallen
- , broken-hearted
- , heartbroken
- , inconsolable
- , luckless
- , grief-stricken
- , down in the mouth
- , down in the dumps
2. causing unhappiness or discomfort
- dreary
- , dismal
- , dark
- , gloomy
- , drab
- , sombre
- , wretched
- , depressing
- , grim
- , cheerless
- , godforsaken
- , bleak
- , desolate
- , joyless
- , uninviting
- , discouraging
- , disheartening
- , unpromising
- , hopeless
- , dire
- , pathetic
- , tragic
- , distressing
- , grievous
- , mean
- , poor
- , shabby
- , squalid
- , filthy
- , foul
- , sordid
- , seedy
- , dilapidated
- , unpleasant
- , disagreeable
- , displeasing
- , uncomfortable
- , wet
- , rainy
- , stormy
- , rotten
3. (of a person) habitually morose
- grumpy
- , sullen
- , sulky
- , gloomy
- , bad-tempered
- , ill-tempered
- , in a bad mood
- , dour
- , surly
- , sour
- , glum
- , moody
- , unsmiling
- , humourless
- , uncommunicative
- , taciturn
- , unresponsive
- , unsociable
- , scowling
- , glowering
- , ill-humoured
- , sombre
- , sober
- , saturnine
- , pessimistic
- , lugubrious
- , dismal
- , irritable
- , churlish
- , cantankerous
- , crotchety
- , cross
- , crabbed
- , crabby
- , grouchy
- , testy
- , snappish
- , peevish
- , crusty
- , waspish
- , mardy
- , mumpish
4. pitiably small or inadequate
- inadequate
- , meagre
- , scanty
- , scant
- , paltry
- , limited
- , restricted
- , insufficient
- , deficient
- , negligible
- , insubstantial
- , skimpy
- , short
- , little
- , lean
- , small
- , slight
- , slender
- , poor
- , lamentable
- , pitiful
- , puny
- , niggardly
- , beggarly
- , measly
- , stingy
- , lousy
- , pathetic
- , piddling
- , exiguous
5. contemptible (used as a term of abuse or for emphasis)
- wretched
- , contemptible
- , despicable
- , confounded
- , blithering
- , flaming
- , footling
- , infernal
- , damned
- , cursed
- , accursed
「1. (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable」的反義字
「2. causing unhappiness or discomfort」的反義字
「3. (of a person) habitually morose」的反義字
「4. pitiably small or inadequate」的反義字
- 更多解釋