- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 神經 to touch or hit a (raw) nerve 觸及要害 to strain every nerve (to do sth.) 竭盡全力(做某事)
- 2. 勇氣 to have the nerve to do sth. 有勇氣做某事 to keep one's nerve 保持鎮定
- 3. 厚臉皮 to have the nerve to do sth. 竟有臉做某事 of all the nerve! 厚顏無恥!
- 1. 神經質 to suffer from nerves 神經緊張 (to have) an attack or a fit of nerves 神經緊張
- 1. 激勵 to nerve oneself to do sth./for sth. 鼓起勇氣做某事
1. a whitish fibre or bundle of fibres in the body that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs
2. one's steadiness and courage in a demanding situation
- self-confidence
- , confidence
- , assurance
- , self-assurance
- , coolness
- , cool-headedness
- , self-possession
- , courage
- , bravery
- , pluck
- , pluckiness
- , boldness
- , courageousness
- , braveness
- , intrepidity
- , intrepidness
- , fearlessness
- , valour
- , daring
- , dauntlessness
- , doughtiness
- , gameness
- , determination
- , strength of character
- , firmness of purpose
- , will power
- , spirit
- , backbone
- , fortitude
- , mettle
- , heart
- , endurance
- , tenacity
- , resolution
- , resoluteness
- , stout-heartedness
- , steadfastness
- , staunchness
- , hardihood
- , grit
- , guts
- , spunk
- , gumption
- , gutsiness
- , bottle
- , ballsiness
- , moxie
- , cojones
- , sand
- , balls
3. feelings of nervousness
- anxiety
- , tension
- , nervousness
- , nervous tension
- , strain
- , tenseness
- , stress
- , worry
- , cold feet
- , apprehensiveness
- , apprehension
- , jumpiness
- , fright
- , butterflies (in one's stomach)
- , collywobbles
- , the jitters
- , the willies
- , the heebie-jeebies
- , the shakes
- , the jumps
- , jim-jams
- , the yips
- , the (screaming) abdabs/habdabs
- , Joe Blakes
4. impudence or audacity
- audacity
- , cheek
- , barefaced cheek
- , effrontery
- , gall
- , temerity
- , presumption
- , presumptuousness
- , boldness
- , brazenness
- , impudence
- , impertinence
- , insolence
- , pertness
- , forwardness
- , front
- , arrogance
- , cockiness
- , face
- , neck
- , brass neck
- , brass
- , sauce
- , chutzpah
- , hide
- , crust
- , procacity
- , assumption
「1. one's steadiness and courage in a demanding situation」的反義字
「2. feelings of nervousness」的反義字
「3. impudence or audacity」的反義字
- (用於複合字中)神經……的
- nerve的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
- nerve的名詞複數
- 神經切除
- 鼓起勇氣 He nerved himself to face the difficulties. 他鼓起勇氣面對困難。
- 神經中樞
- 神經性毒氣
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[nɝv]
- DJ[nə:v]
- 神經[C]
- (常後接反身代名詞)鼓勵,激勵[(+up/for)][O2] She nerved herself to enter the dark room. 她鼓足勇氣走進黑洞洞的房間。
- C神經