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  1. prime

    • IPA[prīm]


    • v.
      make (something) ready for use or action.;prepare (a firearm or explosive device) for firing or detonation
    • verb: prime, 3rd person present: primes, gerund or present participle: priming, past tense: primed, past participle: primed

    • 釋義
    • 片語


    • 1. make (something) ready for use or action.
    • prepare (a firearm or explosive device) for firing or detonation he grabbed a gun from a nearby wall and primed it 同義詞 prepare, load, set up, ready, make ready, ... 更多
    • cover (a surface) with a preparatory coat of paint in order to prevent the absorption of subsequent layers of paint prime the new timber before painting the sill
    • pour or spray liquid into (a pump) before starting in order to seal the moving parts and facilitate its operation ensure a sufficient head of water is available to prime the pump
    • inject extra fuel into (the cylinder or carburetor of an internal combustion engine) in order to facilitate starting.
    • (of a steam engine or its boiler) mix water with the steam being passed into the cylinder.
    • serve as a starting material for (a polymerization process) the oligonucleotide might prime DNA polymerase activity at multiple sites
    • 2. prepare (someone) for a situation or task, typically by supplying them with relevant information the sentries had been primed to admit him without challenge 同義詞 brief, give information to, fill in, prepare, supply with facts, ... 更多