Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. talk

    • IPA[tɔːk]



    • vi.
    • vt.
    • n.
    • npl.
    • 過去式:talked 過去分詞:talked 現在分詞:talking

    • 名詞複數:talks

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 談話 to talk to or with sb. (about sth.) (就某事物)與某人談話 to talk to oneself 自言自語
    • 2. 能說話 can your little boy talk yet? 你的小兒子會說話了嗎?
    • 3. 說閒話 to give people something to talk about 給人們留下談資 to be or get oneself talked about 招人議論
    • 4. 招供 to make sb. talk 使某人招供 the prisoner refused to talk 囚犯拒絕交待


    • 1. 談論
    • 2. you're talking sense! 你說的話有道理! to talk rubbish or nonsense 說廢話
    • 3.
    • 4. 講得 he talked himself hoarse/to a standstill! 他講得聲音都嘶啞了/精疲力竭! he's hoping to talk himself out of trouble 他希望力陳理由以擺脫麻煩


    • 1. 談話 a formal/an informal talk 正式/非正式談話 to have a talk with sb. (about sb./sth.) (就某人/某事物)同某人交談
    • 2. 說話 small/sweet/baby talk 閒聊/甜言蜜語/兒語 fast or double talk 花言巧語
    • 3. 謠言; 閒話 idle/loose talk 閒話/信口亂說 the talk of the town 街談巷議
    • 4. 講座; 演講 an academic/informal talk 學術/非正式演講 a talk on or about deep-sea fishing/acupuncture 關於深海捕魚/針灸的講座


    • 1. 商談 pay/disarmament/peace/arms talks 工資/裁軍/和平/軍備談判 to conduct or hold talks 舉行會談


    1. speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; converse or communicate by spoken words

    2. reveal secret or confidential information

    3. gossip

    4. use (a particular language) in speech

    5. communication by spoken words; conversation or discussion

    6. a period of conversation or discussion, especially a relatively serious one

    7. rumour, gossip, or speculation

    8. formal discussions or negotiations over a period

    9. an informal address or lecture