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  1. through

    • IPA[θruː]


    • prep.
      moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location);so as to make a hole or opening in (a physical object)
    • adv.
      expressing movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location;so as to make an opening in a physical object
    • adj.
      (with reference to public transport) continuing or valid to the final destination;(of traffic) passing from one side of a place to another in the course of a longer journey
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    • 1. expressing movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location as soon as we opened the gate they came streaming through I went through to the bedroom to answer the phone 同義詞 from one side to the other, from one end to another, from end to end, from side to side, from top to bottom, ... 更多
    • so as to make an opening in a physical object cut the lemon in half from top to bottom, but not all the way through their dog ran out on to the ice and fell through
    • expressing movement around or from one side to the other within a crowd or group a party of about 40 students arrived and I had to push my way through to the reception desk I pushed my way though to the front
    • so as to be perceived from the other side of an intervening obstacle you'll find caves and waterfalls sheltered by lush green trees with sunlight streaming through
    • 2. so as to continue in time towards the completion of a process, period, etc. she's just started a tour that will keep her busy right through to June my partner was genuinely surprised that babies wake up in the night —he thought newborns sleep through 同義詞 the whole time, all the time, from start to finish, without a break, without an interruption, ... 更多
    • so as to complete a particular stage or trial successfully though he tried to rally support for his bill, he couldn't push it through we're extremely pleased to be through to the semi-finals 同義詞 to the end, to the finish, to the termination, to the completion, to the culmination, ... 更多
    • from beginning to end of an experience or activity, typically one that is tedious or stressful Karl will see you through, Ingrid
    • 3. so as to inspect all or part of a publication or document she read the letter through carefully
    • 4. so as to be connected by telephone she put the call through to a nurse


    • 1. (with reference to public transport) continuing or valid to the final destination a through train from London a through ticket 同義詞 direct, non-stop, without changes
    • (of traffic) passing from one side of a place to another in the course of a longer journey precincts from which through traffic would be excluded
    • (of a road) open at both ends, allowing free passage from one end to the other the village lies on a busy through road
    • 2. (of a room) running the whole length of a building.
    • 3. (of a team or competitor) having successfully passed to the next stage of a competition Swindon Town are through to the third round
    • 4. informal having no prospect of any future relationship, dealings, or success she told him she was through with him you and I are through 同義詞 finished, done, reached the end, completed, terminated, ... 更多
    • n.
      a tour or demonstration of an area or task: a floor-by-floor walk-through of the library
    • adj.
      designed to be walked through: a walk-through gallery walk-through registration

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a tour or demonstration of an area or task: a floor-by-floor walk-through of the library
    • adj.
      (of a building or other structure) permitting access from either end: a walk-through gallery

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      undergo a difficult period or experience

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      pass a difficult or testing experience or period

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      undergo a difficult period or experience

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      pass a difficult or testing experience or period

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      subject someone to an unpleasant or demanding experience

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      (of a quality) become apparent or noticeable through actions or performance

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    • IPA[THro͞o]


    • prep.
      moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location): she walked through the doorway into the living room a ten-minute drive through the tunnel brought us to the city of Whittier
    • adv.
      expressing movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location: as soon as we opened the gate they came streaming through I went through to the bedroom to answer the phone
    • adj.
      (of a means of public transportation or a ticket) continuing or valid to the final destination: a through train from Boston a through ticket

    Oxford American Dictionary