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  1. feed

    • IPA[fēd]


    • v.
      give food to;(especially of an animal or baby) take food; eat something
    • n.
      an act of giving food, especially to animals or a baby, or of having food given to one;a meal
    • verb: feed, 3rd person present: feeds, gerund or present participle: feeding, past tense: fed, past participle: fed

    • noun: feed, plural noun: feeds

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    • 1. give food to the raiders fed the guard dog to keep it quiet he fed her brownies he had just baked 同義詞 give food to, provide food for, provide for, cater for, prepare food for, ... 更多
    • (especially of an animal or baby) take food; eat something morays emerge at night to feed 同義詞 eat, take nourishment, partake of food, consume food, devour food, ... 更多
    • provide an adequate supply of food for the island's simple agriculture could hardly feed its inhabitants
    • give fertilizer to (a plant) feed the lawn in spring and autumn
    • put fuel on (a fire).
    • encourage the growth of I could feed my melancholy by reading Romantic poetry 同義詞 strengthen, fortify, support, bolster, reinforce, ... 更多反義詞 undermine
    • informal satisfy (a drug habit) users who commit crime to feed their habit
    • supply a machine with material, power, or other things necessary for its operation the programs are fed into the computer
    • supply water to (a body of water) the pond is fed by a small stream water feeds into the lower pool
    • insert further coins into (a meter) to extend the time for which it operates.
    • supply (someone) with (information, ideas, etc.) I think he is feeding his old employer commercial secrets 同義詞 supply, provide, give, deliver, present, ... 更多
    • prompt (an actor) with (a line) you were still in the wings feeding Micky his lines
    • (in ball games) pass (the ball) to a player he took the ball and fed Salley
    • US distribute (a broadcast) to local television or radio stations via satellite or network programs that the national networks feed to local stations
    • 2. cause to move gradually and steadily, typically through a confined space make holes through which to feed the cables
    • influence or contribute to has your art history background fed into the artwork you produce?
    • (of a new factor or development) begin to be effective or influential; have an impact on someone or something it could take time for higher earnings and dividends to feed through to investors


    • 1. an act of giving food, especially to animals or a baby, or of having food given to one I've just given the horse her feed
    • informal a meal how 'bout I fix up a nice hot feed? 同義詞 meal, lunch, dinner, supper, repast, ... 更多
    • food for domestic animals the crops are grown for animal feed cow feed 同義詞 fodder, food, foodstuff, forage, pasturage, ... 更多
    • 2. a device or conduit for supplying material to a machine the plotter has a continuous paper feed
    • the supply of raw material to a machine or device a feed pipe
    • a broadcast distributed by a satellite or network from a central source to a large number of radio or television stations a satellite feed from Washington
    • a facility for notifying the user of a blog or other frequently updated website that new content has been added most blogs and news sites offer RSS feeds of their latest content
    • 3. a line or prompt given to an actor on stage.
    • an actor who provides a feed to a fellow performer.
    • abbr

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a federal agent or official, especially a member of the FBI: I don't think he has any friends since he ratted to the Feds

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a federal agent or official, especially a member of the FBI: I don't think he has any friends since he ratted to the Feds

    Oxford Dictionary

    • past and past participle of feed

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • past and past participle of feed

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a device for introducing fluid drop by drop into a system, for example lubricating oil into an ...
    • v.
      introduce (fluid) drop by drop: the oiler drip-feeds oil on to all drive chains

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a device for introducing fluid drop by drop into a system, e.g., lubricating oil into an engine.
    • v.
      introduce (fluid) drop by drop: the oiler drip-feeds oil onto all drive chains

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      (of a response) influence the development of the thing that has given rise to it

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[fiːd]


    • v.
      give food to: did you remember to feed the cat? she fed him bits of biscuit
    • n.
      an act of giving food, especially to animals or a baby, or of having food given to one: the baby's morning feed

    Oxford Dictionary